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The Beatles Appreciation Society

Dear Beatle fans among you:

Done awhile back, we didn't draw a lot of attention to the Beatle sound-alike recordings mentioned here for various reasons (not being sure if we were free to), but enough time has passed now, and while probably immodest to say, it has occurred to me that these recordings we did are about the best of their ilk I've ever heard, and that we ought to show them off a bit more than we have, especially now on the occasion of the 50 year anniversary of The Beatles' introduction to the States on the Sullivan show

The project was called The Beatles Appreciation Society, and it's purpose is no longer relevant, but I expect it may be fun for Sun Kings fans to hear as, while not Sun Kings demos, they do feature Drew Harrison and I doing the John and Paul voices (I also played bass guitar on a few of the tunes, and the acoustic guitar on Blackbird), while,
  • Donn Spindt played the drums (and also plays for Drew's The Plastic Fauxno Band when they gig), and does one of the better Ringo Starr facsimiles around;
  • The now late and missed John Seppala played keys; 
  • And, to his tremendous credit, Tom Fleming handled the remainder and lion's share of the stringed instrumentation, playing all the guitars other than Blackbird and the few bass parts I played, and numerous other fiddly bits, besides, percussion. etc., and did most of the engineering and producing (I helped some), AND sang all the Harrison vocal parts. A tour de force for him, I think what he did here in recreating the sounds of these songs, much less the playing of them, ought to be widely acclaimed within the Beatle diaspora.

While we're not at liberty to offer the recordings for sale or download for now, I hope you'll have a listen. The recordings really do sound uncannily accurate in spots, and we're rather proud of them.

Listen to the B.A.S. here

Thanks, Jim


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